Le Synthédiseur, Synthés d'Ici et d'Ailleurs

Le Synthédiseur, Synthés  d'Ici et d'Ailleurs

Nights Foam

Nights Foam : Album "Life is a Dance Interpreted Out Of Time" Featuring Cindy Marshall

Composition, Synthetizeurs, Text, Spoken Words, Mixing and Gaphic Art by Pierre Rosique

Violin by Cindy Marshall

Nights Foam

Night Foam.jpg


Nights Foam: Text by Pierre Rosique

A breath,  air in the ear,

A smile on your lips,

Desire in your  mouth,

A small heart in the hollow of your hand

An idea in your head,

A festive taste.


A necklace of red peppers

Around your neck of alabaster,

Black pearls lit by the morning sun.

Ivory Fire on your cotton skin.

An idea in your head,

A festive taste.


The nights foam,

Past noiselessly and too fast run away.

Your perfume which makes me dizzy,

Your sighs which make me drunk,

This tune which takes me.

An idea in your head,

A festive taste,

The nights foam fallen into oblivion.

Today and tomorrow,

That your innocence exults,

That your magnificence be,

That your sweetness exhales

The flavor of  life.

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