If I Want
If I Want
Composition, Synthetizeurs, Text, Spoken words, Mixing and Graphic-Art by Pierre Rosique
If I want
Tu es loin, au-delà de tous les horizons d’argent. Ils se dérobent à mes interrogations.
Rendez-vous nocturne, Rituel sacré. Les étoiles m’accueillent une à une. Mon ciel m’est familier. La mécanique du temps s’évertue à brouiller les pistes qui me mènent vers toi. Mais je te retrouve toujours quand les nuages fatigués et repus, desserrent leur étreinte.
Tu vibres, tu palpites, tu oscilles, je vacille.
J’écoute les vents qui te raniment et te révèlent. Tison suspendu à l’Orient, tu rayonnes une lumière bienveillante autour de moi. Je regarde ce ciel, miroir noir où se mirent les visages disparus.
Tu vibres, tu palpites, tu oscilles, je vacille.
You are far, beyond all the silvered horizons. They shy away from my questioning.
Sacred Night, ritual meeting. Stars welcome me one by one. My sky is familiar to me.
The time mechanics makes every effort to confuse the issues which lead me towards you.
Nethertheless I always find you when tired and fed clouds, loosen their embrace.
You vibrate, you pound, you oscillate, I vacillate.
I listen to the winds which refresh you and reveal you. Brand suspended in the East, you shine a friendly light around me. I look at this sky, at black mirror where are appearing the disappeared faces
A découvrir aussi
- The Cage and The Phials
- Somebody Was Pinned on the Stellar Curtain...and then, His Keys Fell in a Deep Silence
- Day Off In Falaxy
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